Personal qualities



What Are Personal Qualities? 12 Traits Sought by Employers

Personal qualities are the characteristics, attributes, or personality traits that reflect your identity . Examples include honesty, dependability, having a good sense of humor, or being dependable.

15 personal attributes examples

Examples of personal attributes employers look for · 1. Honesty · 2. Confidence · 3. Adaptability · 4. Teamwork · 5. Integrity · 6. A growth ...

50 Positive character traits for the workplace

Adventurous: I take risks. Ambitious: I am driven to succeed. Approachable: I work well with others. Articulate: I can express myself well in front of groups.

A. Personal qualities and attributes

Competency Framework: personal qualities and attributes · 1. Knowing your customer · 2. Debt · 3. Borrowing · 4. Welfare and benefits · 5. Budgeting and ...

[PDF] Personal Qualities & Characteristics Checklist

Able to work alone. Active. Adaptable. Adaptive. Adept. Adventurous. Aggressive. Ambitious. Analytical. Articulate. Assertive. Broad-minded. Cautious.

Personality And Personal Attributes

These are the attitudes, character traits and physical characteristics of an individual. For example: can-do attitude, helpfulness, manual dexterity.

94 Examples of Personal Qualities

Personal qualities are characteristics that describe how an individual thinks, behaves and feels. It is common for people to be asked to ...

[PDF] Skills, Experience, Personal Qualities

Important: If you are going to claim you have a particular skill or quality; remember to give a personal example of how and when you have demonstrate it.


Personalqualitiesarethecharacteristics,attributes,orpersonalitytraitsthatreflectyouridentity.Examplesincludehonesty,dependability,havingagoodsenseofhumor,orbeingdependable.,Examplesofpersonalattributesemployerslookfor·1.Honesty·2.Confidence·3.Adaptability·4.Teamwork·5.Integrity·6.Agrowth ...,,Adventurous:Itakerisks.Ambitious:Iamdriventosucceed.Approachable:Iworkwellwithothers.Articulate:Icanex...